Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10 Miles and a Crash

I've been running long enough to know that every run can't be fabulous, but it's hard to accept the ones that aren't.

Maybe it was the sinus infection I've been fighting, maybe it was the lack of fuel from not eating much today, maybe it was the hilly course, maybe it was the 8 miles with the 10x100 meter repeats from last night, or maybe it was a combination of some or all of the above, tonight's run was so-so.

I decided to follow the hilly course for the first 6 miles of the scheduled 10 tonight. Luau, one of our Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, and I started out at a nice easy pace and it took close to 2 miles for my legs to loosen up. We hit the first hill and I felt ok. By the time we reached to top of the series of hills (I live in South Western Pennsylvania, so hills can go on for a LONG way) I was feeling a bit drained. We cruised down the other side, made the left onto the flat for 2 miles back to the Jeep, and I felt pretty good. Took a gel at 5 miles, got back to the Jeep to water Luau and fill my bottle and headed out with my friend Christine for the last 3.5.

Half way into the run with Christine, I started loosing my energy. When we made the turn, I sent her on her way, walked about a quarter mile and downed my bottle of Heed. After the walk, I ran in the last 1.5 miles--it wasn't easy though!

I have to remember that it's ok to eat throughout the day and I'll still lose weight. The next two days are scheduled rest days with 5 miles on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday. Looking forward to the rest and the upcoming runs!

Stay safe, keep your soles to the ground, and keep moving forward!

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